Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010

8 months!


Well alot has changed this past month! Riker is really crawling now, alternating arms and legs and its so fun. He is trying to pull up but has not quite mastered that yet. Riker is babbling alot and is facinated by other children. We are teaching him how to pet the animals nicely, the animals have been quite patient with this.
His favorite things are listed below in order of 'most covetable'. I think Jacob and I will OK as long as we can keep up with him.
1. TV Remote
2. the Phone
3. Empty water bottles
4. Jewlery
5. Hair
6. Cords, usually attched to something electric
7. Buttons on the DVD player
8. Cat tails
9. Dog tails
10. the Boob

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Riker is 6 months!


We made it after long flight!

At baggage claim in Frankfurt...

Surprise! My mom and Heike at the airport!

Where am I?

Riker and Great Grandma (Oma) meeting for first time

Andreas, Riker and Cousin Lena

Riker as Santa and Papa

Gerhardt and Jacob

Some of the family on Christmas!
Opening presents with OmaUlla

Brrr snowsuit!

Metz, France

At this real quiet beautiful cafe in France...well until Riker got there

Jacob at the meat market in Metz...geese hanging behind him...

Metz Church

TGV to Paris please!

Notre Dame

Eiffel Tower!

Makeshift crib in a Parisian Cafe

Wallerfangen getting Brats ...yum

Riker and Lena

New Years! Jacob couldn't wait!


Schnapps with Oma and Gerhardt on one of our last nights!

Liebe Oma xoxo

We recently got back from Germany to visit my 96 year-old Oma! We had a wonderful time here are some snapshots!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

My highchair!

We are having fun slowly introducing solids! He does love his highchair!
Click here to view photos

Thursday, November 12, 2009

4 months...big boy!

Riker's Interests at 4mo:

Well! A Lot has changed or it certainly feels that way! I have learned a lot about feeding, sleeping and toys. Which toys work, which cereal doesn't work and that breast feeding is sometimes hard. Riker just last night slept thru the night last night for the first time after a big bowl of oatmeal cereal. He is now 17.5 lbs and 27 inches. I have joined a mom's group and met some new people thru that at Scottsdale Healthcare which is nice. Naps are still short but getting better now that oatmeal was introduced. (Rice did not agree with Riker too well) He seems in relatively better spirits now that he has a bot more substance to go on. His favorite toy at the moment is this rattling loin that buzzes when you pull the cord, he can almost roll from back to belly, and he also enjoys long strolls in his buggy through Laguna. He really has a chuckle that he reserves for Oma Ulla and Papa. I rarely get it, I think I am old hat. Still loves the kitties but has taken a vested interest in Ponch, our Chihuahua. He loves to grab his coat and not let go. (Not sure how Ponch feels about that...)

Friday, October 2, 2009


Riker Adams Thomas' Interests at 3mo:

Eating alot, singing, poooooping, mirrors, trying to grab for rattles and such, rolling over, sucking on fingers, ABC song, baths with Papa, listening to music, and walks in stroller.
He is trying to sit up alot and this morning he was sucking on his thumb. He takes pretty short naps, about an hour or so each , 3 or so a day. He likes much more engaging toys now, the swing, Bobby mat and rattles hold his interest for about 15 minutes. Loves to watch the kitties, and help cook with mom in his highchair for about 20 minutes haha. Loves all books and our flashcards with bright pictures. He is getting stronger by the day so I really have to watch him! Loud noises and voices still scare the bejesus out of him...and get bored easily as I notice as he doesn't want to watch me type anymore...

Sunday, September 27, 2009

3 months!

The first of many football Sundays with Papa...