Friday, October 2, 2009


Riker Adams Thomas' Interests at 3mo:

Eating alot, singing, poooooping, mirrors, trying to grab for rattles and such, rolling over, sucking on fingers, ABC song, baths with Papa, listening to music, and walks in stroller.
He is trying to sit up alot and this morning he was sucking on his thumb. He takes pretty short naps, about an hour or so each , 3 or so a day. He likes much more engaging toys now, the swing, Bobby mat and rattles hold his interest for about 15 minutes. Loves to watch the kitties, and help cook with mom in his highchair for about 20 minutes haha. Loves all books and our flashcards with bright pictures. He is getting stronger by the day so I really have to watch him! Loud noises and voices still scare the bejesus out of him...and get bored easily as I notice as he doesn't want to watch me type anymore...

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