Monday, March 23, 2009

The Nursery and Thomas Update

Riker Adams Thomas- 2.5 lbs already! This is his latest glamour shot, on 3/20/09. Jacob is very proud, the doctor told him that Riker is a big baby...I am a little scared how "big" is "big".....

Making Pizza with Joseph, Justin and Jadyn-niece and nephews!

The belly at 27 weeks!

Our Sous Chefs....

5 months

Historical Phoenix Home Tour

Jacob looks like he is gonna kill someone here, well- we were really hungry and it was a long wait!

This is the rocker I hope to get, OK- no it's not an Eames, total knockoff until the real one comes along... Found out the Stokke was a GRAND and all plastic, so I fell in love with the BumbleRide! I love it!

I found this furniture today, seems to really grow with the child...check it out at

Breezing thru my new favorite blog,

Loved the look of this nursery...It turns out it's from Decorating Ideas for Modern Living published in the early 1970's. Love it! Basic, simple, functional!!!

The Flip-Flops for the baby shower!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your PHAT :) the baby's name today is Maegan Catherine Budge that will probably change 100 more times b4 august. talk to you soon Rick